Oregon, US of A
Friday, September 15, 2017

“When you have become wholly dedicated to the doing of the will of the Father in heaven, the answer to all your petitions will be forthcoming because your prayers will be in full accordance with the Father’s will, and the Father’s will is ever manifest throughout his vast universe.”  [UB 1639-02]

Thought Adjuster: “You just experienced a ‘wow’ moment as you read the above statement.  Indeed, doesn’t it make perfect sense that any prayers in alignment with the Divine Will would echo in God’s Heart and be answered?  It is obvious and yet this fundamental truth is still hidden from many.

Effective prayers are never self-serving even though they can generate personal benefits, as long as their purpose serves the whole organism as well.  Indeed, each individual is a tiny cell of the greater cosmic organism and it is much more efficient to pray for the highest good rather than to exclusively focus on your little benefits package.

As you can see, many prayers fall short of their intended mark, as they are not safeguarded by the criteria of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.  They fail to take into account the Brotherhood of Man, even though they acknowledge fully or partially the Fatherhood of God.

As a parent, would you lend a sympathetic ear to the passionate but misguided plea of one of your children to bring harm to his sibling?  Sadly, this is what has frequently occurred and still occurs on your planet.  The Father is not a partisan.  He does not side with one against the other, as His love is unconditional and non-negotiable.

Rather than praying for the demise of your perceived enemies, pray for their awakening.  Pray that they encounter life’s circumstances that reset their whole being and make them aware of their status of children of God.  Pray that they get in touch with their Indwelling Divine Fragment, as in itself and by itself, it will be the catalyst for a mighty inner conversion experience that will benefit both the individual and his/her circle of influence.


This is the type of prayer that is in full accordance with the Father’s Will and that will get a resounding Yes from Him.  All other selfish and petty petitions will be heard but not answered according to your expectations.  Yet, answers will be forthcoming in a detoured kind of way to help you find your personal alignment with His Vision for you.”