Oregon, US of A
Thursday, July 27, 2017

“It is a marvelous and transforming experience to become the living channel of spiritual light to the mortal who sits in spiritual darkness.”  [UB 1430:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Energy is energy.  What do I mean by that truism?  Wouldn’t it imply that energy is self-sustainable and self-renewable?  In Higher Realms, your being will become increasingly energetic and less and less material. 

Matter has to be sustained by energy.  In the end, it all boils down to the Divine Life Force that curses through All That Is.  Your physical body CANNOT exist without the Life Force.  It is perishable and biodegradable.  This is the reason why you are NOT your physical body.  It is mainly a receptacle for your spirit while you gather meaningful experiences in this world.

So many of you are holding on to dear ‘physical’ life, as they fail to understand that life does not cease when the physical body returns to dust.  On the contrary, you will then experience an amazing upgrade, as you will no longer depend on a physical body that is subjected to wear and tear. 

Dear ones, put your earthly years to good use!  Work on your energies and the vibrations that emanate from your being.  Are they uplifting to yourself and to others?  Or are they subjected to an adverse emotional gravity that depletes your energetic voltage, as, whenever Love is absent, you are cutting yourself off from the universal energetic circuitry? 

Whenever you feel downtrodden and empty, it is a sure sign that you are not plugged in the Source of your life.  Stop and regroup.  Ask yourself what part of your life style does not support your overall well-being.  Take a deep breath and reassess your course.  Be honest with yourself, as it is the only way to climb out of the fogginess caused by lack of introspection.  As you shine the light of truth within, you will chase away the energy-thirsty vampires that linger in darkness.”