Oregon, US of A
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thought Adjuster: “I speak to you once I have your full and undivided attention.  This is how I relate to you, fully focused on you.  I treat you with the utmost respect, as you matter to Me and are My reason for Being within you.

“In turn, you are at the center of your own inner world.  You have been handed over the commands.  Do you act wisely?  Or are you totally oblivious to the power you hold? 

“There is a chain of command that can make a great difference in the way you ‘lead’ your life.  Indeed, you have been assigned a leadership position over your own destiny, as well as many spiritual advisers, here to help you make informed decisions that are in harmony with the plans issued by the Divine Headquarter.

“As you are willing to solicit and assimilate advice, you are receiving a thorough leadership training and, little by little, you are becoming more trustworthy and the Divine may brief you more in depth about your job assignment—your life’s mission.  Each spiritual stripe has to be earned by god-victoriously setting meaningful precedents in your spiritual achievements that are translated in ‘real-ities’ through your righteous actions. 

“Dear ones, are you leading a meaningful life or are you putting your arms down when faced with life’s circumstances that seem beyond your pay grade?  Whenever things are spinning out of control, it is time for you to pull the emergency break and put matters on hold in order to come up with a viable ‘soul-ution’—the best-case scenario that will turn an impending disaster into a shining victory against the odds that seemed stacked against you.  This is the emergence of true leadership qualities.”